
More about eHAction

Joint Action Supporting the eHealth Network

eHAction is the 3rd Joint Action supporting the eHealth Network. Co-financed by the EU 3rd Health Programme, this Joint Action is a collaborative action between EU Member States and also other European Countries, who are committed to deliver sustainable, economic and social benefits for European eHealth systems and services. People empowerment is one of the four priority areas in this MWP.


Empowering People

A1. mHealth and apps reliability

A2. Patient access and use of data

A3. Digital health literacy of patients


Innovative use of Health Data

B1. Awareness raising of using Big Data in healthcare

B2. Develop common vision of innovative use of data on healthcare

B3. Governance and methodologies for Big Data


Enhancing Continuity of Care

C1. Stimulating and supporting the adoption of CBeHIS

C2. New use cases and sustainability for eHDSI

C3. Legal Challenges

C4. European Reference Network eHealth Services


Overcoming Implementation Challenges

D1. Interoperability

D2. eSkills for Professionals

D3. Data Protection and Data Security

D4. Evaluation of eHealth