

Recommendations based on motivation

In this chapter, the priority areas with the main focus on the motivation element of the AMO framework will be described. These priority areas are ‘Trust as key’, ‘Behavioural change through motivation’, ‘Awareness/involvement of social environment’ and ‘Awareness and involvement of health professionals’. In the context of this Work Package, motivation is defined as people’s desire or readiness to engage in their own or others’ health.

Trust as key

While developing and deploying tools to increase patients’ and health professionals’ trust in empowering digital technology follow or use EHealth Trust Model as a reference model.

Recommendation 6

In accordance with the EHealth Trust Model, identify or develop reliable ways of measuring trust and trustworthiness and objective third-party system evaluation systems.

Recommendation 7

Establish safe testing and experimentation facilities including functions such as regulatory sandboxes or policy labs for the development of new eHealth applications.

Recommendation 8

Behavioural change through motivation

Use the Quality Requirements Conformity Assessments to identify what could be the minimum requirements, preferences and dissatisfiers for people using eHealth and telehealth related solutions and apps.

Recommendation 9

Develop and sustain tangible services and clear/transparent protocols for satisfying concrete needs to motivate people to use virtual or digital devices, apps or other available solutions for and/or promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

Recommendation 10

Awareness/involvement of social environment

Prioritise online support and digital learning opportunities (instead of face to face) for informal caregivers to receive necessary information about caregiving, share experiences and feel more confident in patient care.

Recommendation 11

Awareness/involvement of health professionals

Promote the advancement of digital skills for health professionals, giving due attention to digital health for empowerment . This can be facilitated through an online training with a certificate when accomplished.

Recommendation 12

Foster the creation of roles such as chief medical informatics officers (CMIO) and chief nursing informatics officers (CNIO) in HCPs with over 100 employees.Involve CMIO’s and CNIO’s in co-creating a health system that facilitates the uptake of digital health, e.g. by providing a similar function within ministries.

Recommendation 13

Create a mandatory certification scheme for the industry, MS, etc. for co-creating with Health Professionals when developing digital health solutions.

Recommendation 14